Author Donovan The Don Killuminati Releases 2PAC Tell All EBook "2Pacology The Artist"

2Pacology The Artist, the brand new EBook written from Donovan "The Don" Henry, details the exclusive secrets and blueprint that made 2PAC one of the most legendary figures in music history. With millions of albums sold from his first 6 releases, 2PAC influence in culture can not be denied, but as they say it's many key figures who played a huge role in the success of your favorite superstars.

 Within this tell all book The Don breaks down top inside information on breaking artists that most record labels do not want revealed. This book has so many gems that would surprise many. From The Don's humble beginnings as a dancer and image consultant for rap icon LL Cool J to first meeting Tupac on tour back in the late 80's. 

The two young men had a vision with The Don becoming a world renowned executive and Pac being a music GOAT. Learn even more from the origins of the name 2PAC and what it takes to become such an iconic and respected figure in not only music but life in general. 

2Pacology contains the steps, models and lessons to make it big in entertainment. Each chapter has so many gems, even from the early development of megastar LL Cool J. You will also get a truth telling inside take on Pac's history with Biggie and much more. If Pac wanted to sign Biggie and much more.

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