The Night Wolf – Run Up

Toronto-based rap group set to drop ‘Animal Asylum’ mixtape at midnight on Halloween
A new mixtape from the Toronto-based rap group The Night Wolf comes just in time for Halloween. The mixtape is called “Animal Asylum” and is slated to drop at midnight on Halloween, followed with a release party at a downtown club in Toronto, information about which can be found on their website. According to group co-founder SJM, the 10-track project features a blend of Hip Hop and EDM in ways that are both entertaining and very diverse.
“You can really hear that throughout every song,” SJM said. “That’s true to who we are. My brother and I have been rapping and making music together for a long time, and our friends have just added another layer to that. We’re excited to put out this first tape and we promise that it’s just the beginning.”
The Night Wolf consists of seven people with diverse talents, showing a great deal of variety — SJM and his brother, FAM; producer Knockturnul; artists Da$a Façade, Mayze and Zam; and photographer/videographer Magic. SJM said the group’s goal is to travel the globe performing and building the most diverse fan-base in the world while delivering a consistent message that is both positive and inspirational. He points to the group as the foundation for that diversity as he and his brother are both from Pakistan, while others in the group come from a variety of cultural backgrounds and heritages.
“This is a movement,” SJM said. “It’s more than just music. It’s more than just our passion. This is a lifestyle we promote. We promote an open-minded positive movement. Through our music, we speak on our lives past, present and future to try our best to help the listeners get through life’s ups and downs and ultimately help change their perspective and make better decisions. We are intelligent, educated young individuals. We are both street smart and book smart, and we tend to use this as an advantage as we move forward with our independent movement.”
SJM said as the group grows in popularity and success across the globe, some of their long-term goals are to leave a lasting legacy of giving back to the world. They want to build foundations and organizations that help build schools, hospitals, safe water wells and more in places of need all around the globe. And all of those dreams and efforts fall under this umbrella of teamwork and close-knit family – something that SJM said is perfectly represented by the wolf logo.
“We move as a pack,” he said. “We’re a family. The flames symbolize the fire in us and the fact that we won’t quit. The wolf howling is a call to all my wolves in the world, hustling and trying to live their dream. Anybody can be a part of this, you just have to have the same drive and ambition and motivation. If you want to be part of something great, you don’t have to be related to us by blood. But you do have to be a hustler and be real. We’re trying to promote real.”
To listen to The Night Wolf’s music or to follow them on social media, please visit:
The Night Wolf
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